Initial consultation provides an opportunity to discuss your needs where we’ll tailor an individualised plan of care to ensure a safe and positive experience.
Prenatal screening provides a comprehensive test for the most common issues, such as Down’s Syndrome. This includes a scan performed at 11-14 weeks, also dating the pregnancy and providing your due date.
Antenatal consultations allow you to visit me frequently, where we will ensure wellbeing of both you and your baby, as well as addressing any concerns you may have.
Anomaly scan performed at 12 and 20 weeks, along with any other scans are always performed by myself (Dr Pasupathy).
Providing care in labour and delivery, I will discuss your expectations to ensure a safe birth for both you and your baby. We will also arrange visits to our birth centre and discuss options for pain relief. You will also have the opportunity to meet our midwifery team.
24 Hour Access will be available for advice at all times. You will receive a direct contact number for myself at the Westminster Maternity Suite.
Post natal care at the Westminster Maternity Suite is open for you to visit prior to delivery. Whilst in post natal care I will visit daily, and babies will also be examined by a consultant Neonatologist (a subspecialst of pediatrics that consists of the medical care of newborn infants) prior to discharge. I will also arrange a six week follow up with you following discharge.
It is with sincere gratitude that I write of Mr. Shergill’s patience, attention, kindness and professionalism. He is a great credit to both his profession and the hospital. I extend my heartfelt thanks for all he has done for me.
Thank you for alll the excellent treatment I have had from you and your team.
Thanks so much once again for your expertise, kindness and care.